
Vuejs components and directives written using Bootstrap v4, leveraging the official Bootstrap JS.

Code on GitHub Download v0.4.2

VueBoot is a project designed to ease the use of Bootstrap in VueJS applications. It takes the approach that the Bootstrap team has done a lot of hard work, and reproducing that work is beyond this project's scope. Because of that, we choose to use the official Bootstrap javascript, and simply wrap the API in a thin VueJS wrapper.

VueBoot has the following dependencies:

VueBoot attempts to be as non-opinionated about how you use it as either Bootstrap or VueJS are, which is why VueBoot is built as a UMD module, which will allow use in AMD, CommonJS or standard Global module development. Simply setup your project however you want, add Vue and Bootstrap, and then add VueBoot in whatever method is most appropriate.

$ bower install --save vueboot
$ npm install --save vueboot

VueBoot is built as a series of VueJS components, which can be included on an 'as needed' basis. Simply include what you need, where you need it.

Note: Some VueBoot components are made up of more than one vue component. These will be marked in the documentation, but you will be required to pull in both.

var vueboot = require('vueboot');

var app = new Vue({
    components: {
        modal: vueboot.modal
define(['vueboot'], function(vueboot)
    var app = new Vue({
        components: {
            modal: vueboot.modal
import { modal } from 'vueboot';

var app = new Vue({
    components: {
<script src="/vendor/vueboot/vueboot.js"></script>
    var app = new Vue({
        components: {
            modal: vueboot.modal

Alerts are useful as temporary notifications. Alerts can also be dismissable, either by a button, a timeout, or both.

When an alert is dismissed, it is removed from the dom. However, due to the semantics of v-if, you can get it back simply by toggling the if statement.

Alert Types

This is a success alert. This is an info alert. This is a warning alert. This is a danger alert.

No Animation

This is a success alert.


This is an info alert.


This message should time out after 4 seconds.
        <h4>Alert Types</h4>
<alert type="success">
    This is a <strong>success</strong> alert.
<alert type="info">
    This is an <strong>info</strong> alert.
<alert type="warning">
    This is a <strong>warning</strong> alert.
<alert type="danger">
    This is a <strong>danger</strong> alert.

<h4>No Animation</h4>
<alert type="success" :animation="false">
    This is a <strong>success</strong> alert.

<alert type="info" :dismissible="false">
    This is an <strong>info</strong> alert.

<button class="btn btn-primary" @click="showAlert()">Show Alert</button>

<alert v-if="show" type="danger"
    This message should time out after 4 seconds.
var app = new Vue({
    debug: true,
    el: '#example',
    components: {
        alert: vueboot.alert
    data: {
        show: false
    methods: {
        showAlert: function(){ = true; },
        onClosed: function()
   = false;

Component Props

We've added some properties to make alerts more dynamic and useful.

Prop Type Default Description
type Boolean false Required. The alert will get the class "alert-{{ type }}".
dismissible Boolean true Enables or disables the close button.
animation Boolean true Enables or disables animation on the alert dismissing.
timeout Number -1 Number of miliseconds before automatically dismissing. Must be 0 or greater.
onClosed Function This callback is triggered once the closing animation for the alert has completed.

Component Methods

Reference Required
These functions are exposed to the parent, which means that you will want to use v-ref to expose the alert instance to the parent controller.

In addition to the properties, the alert component exposes methods that can be called:

Toast are alerts that pop up over top of content on the page, as a way of alerting users to important events.

Service Required
The functionality of this component relies on a javascript service. The toastService must be included in your code, if you want to use toasts.
Custom CSS Required
By default, VueBoot does not put css styling on the .toast-container class. This is left up to the user to decide where on the page they want their toasts, as well as if they want them 'always on top' of other content.
<div class="btn-toolbar">
    <button class="btn btn-primary"
            @click="createToast('Default Alert!!!!')">
        Create Default Toast
    <button class="btn btn-warning"
            @click="createToast({ type: 'warning', content: '<b>Warning!</b> This is a warning!' })">
        Create Warning Toast
    <button class="btn btn-success"
            @click="createToast({ type: 'success', dismissible: true, content: 'Dismiss me with a button.', timeout: false })">
        Create Dismissible Toast
var app = new Vue({
    debug: true,
    el: '#example',
    components: {
        toast: vueboot.toast
    data: {
        show: false
    methods: {
        createToast: function(toast)

Service Methods

Adding a new toast involves calling functions on the toastService. This service is exported just like the components, and for a globally installed version, can be accessed directly as vueboot.toastService.

Custom CSS

In order to make toasts appear in the lower left corner, you can use the following CSS:

.toast-container {
    position: fixed;
    width: 400px;
    bottom: 10px;
    left: 10px;
    z-index: 9001;
            <button class="btn btn-secondary"
        @click="showModal('basicModal')">Open Basic Modal</button>

<modal v-ref:basic-modal>
    <div class="modal-header" slot="header">
        <h4 class="modal-title">Modal title</h4>
    <div class="modal-body" slot="body">
        <p>So, this is a thing.</p>
    <div class="modal-footer" slot="footer">
        <button type="button"
                class="btn btn-primary"
                @click="hideModal('basicModal')">Save changes</button>
        <button type="button"
                class="btn btn-secondary"
        var app = new Vue({
    debug: true,
    el: '#example-app',
    methods: {
        showModal: function(name)
        hideModal: function(name)
    components: {
        modal: vueboot.modal

Component Props

We support all of the same parameters as the default Bootstrap modal. In addition, we've added a few additional properties to make working with a modal a little easier.

Prop Type Default Description
show Boolean false This is a two-way binding. When show is true, we open the modal, and when it is false we close the modal.
autoFocus String A JQuery selector for the element to focus when the modal is shown.
onClosed Function This callback is triggered once the closing animation for the modal has completed.
animation Boolean true Enables or disables animation on modal opening and closing.
modal-class String A class to apply to the .modal-dialog div. Bootstrap defined 'modal-sm' and 'modal-sm' for you, but you can use any class and define it yourself.
width String A css value to set the width of the modal element. It can be any valid value for the css width property. (Note: This overrides modal-class.)
backdrop Boolean or 'static' true Includes a modal-backdrop element. Alternatively, specify the string 'static' for a backdrop which doesn't close the modal on click.
keyboard Boolean true Closes the modal when escape key is pressed.

Component Methods

Reference Required
These functions are exposed to the parent, which means that you will want to use v-ref to expose the modal instance to the parent controller.

In addition to the properties, the modal component exposes methods that can be called:

Tabs are a frequently used tool to separate related but distinct sections of information. VueBoot's tabs are designed to work well inside existing containers, such as cards. Additionally, we include extra styling beyond the Bootstrap default to allow tabs in various orientations.

Multiple Components Required
In order to use tabs, you will need to include both the tabset component and the tab component.
Cards Support
VueBoot includes custom styling to allow tabs inside of .card blocks. However, this styling assumes the tabset is the only element contained inside. Use at your own risk.

Simple Tabs

This is Tab 1. This is Tab 2. This is Tab 3.

Kitchen Sink

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pariatur andouille bacon, dolore filet mignon id in corned beef et. Venison kielbasa sausage spare ribs ball tip, eu landjaeger drumstick meatball. Leberkas dolore biltong, incididunt tenderloin nulla ground round aute salami exercitation ad consequat. Kevin landjaeger laborum sunt quis ball tip. Ipsum ut aliquip, esse sirloin incididunt boudin turducken picanha turkey.

Qui corned beef

Qui tri-tip tail, ullamco tongue picanha corned beef laboris salami minim chicken. Exercitation ullamco in pig. Turkey incididunt andouille corned beef ham ham hock. Shankle esse ball tip dolore. Cupim jerky officia do id sint.

HTML Tab Header

I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. But with the blast shield down, I can't even see! How am I supposed to fight? I suggest you try it again, Luke. This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

What!? Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you're going. I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base.


As an interesting side note, as a head without a body, I envy the dead. I'll get my kit! I videotape every customer that comes in here, so that I may blackmail them later. We don't have a brig.

Hey! I'm a porno-dealing monster, what do I care what you think?

I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself. Okay, it's 500 dollars, you have no choice of carrier, the battery can't hold the charge and the reception isn't very… Oh right. I forgot about the battle.

Should not see me.

Tabs in Cards

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pariatur andouille bacon, dolore filet mignon id in corned beef et. Venison kielbasa sausage spare ribs ball tip, eu landjaeger drumstick meatball. Leberkas dolore biltong, incididunt tenderloin nulla ground round aute salami exercitation ad consequat. Kevin landjaeger laborum sunt quis ball tip. Ipsum ut aliquip, esse sirloin incididunt boudin turducken picanha turkey.

Qui corned beef

Qui tri-tip tail, ullamco tongue picanha corned beef laboris salami minim chicken. Exercitation ullamco in pig. Turkey incididunt andouille corned beef ham ham hock. Shankle esse ball tip dolore. Cupim jerky officia do id sint.

This is Tab 2. This is Tab 3.
        <h4>Simple Tabs</h4>
    <tab :header="'Tab 1'">
        This is Tab 1.
    <tab :header="'Tab 2'">
        This is Tab 2.
    <tab :header="'Tab 3'">
        This is Tab 3.

<h4>Kitchen Sink</h4>
    <tab :header="'Tab 1'">
        <p><b>Bacon ipsum dolor amet</b> pariatur andouille bacon, dolore filet mignon id in corned beef et. Venison kielbasa sausage spare ribs ball tip, eu landjaeger drumstick meatball. Leberkas dolore biltong, incididunt tenderloin nulla ground round aute salami exercitation ad consequat. Kevin landjaeger laborum sunt quis ball tip. Ipsum ut aliquip, esse sirloin incididunt boudin turducken picanha turkey.</p>
        <h4>Qui corned beef</h4>
        <p>Qui tri-tip tail, ullamco tongue picanha corned beef laboris salami minim chicken. Exercitation ullamco in pig. Turkey incididunt andouille corned beef ham ham hock. Shankle esse ball tip dolore. Cupim jerky officia do id sint.</p>
            <i class="fa fa-ge"></i> <i>HTML</i> Tab <s>Header</s>
        <p>I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. But with the blast shield down, I can't even see! How am I supposed to fight? I suggest you try it again, Luke. This time, let go your conscious self and act on instinct.</p>
        <h4>I find your lack of faith disturbing.</h4>
        <p>What!? Look, I can take you as far as Anchorhead. You can get a transport there to Mos Eisley or wherever you're going. I have traced the Rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base.</p>
    <tab :on-selected="showAlert">
            <i class="fa fa-bell"></i>
        <p>As an interesting side note, as a head without a body, I envy the dead. <strong> I'll get my kit!</strong> <em> I videotape every customer that comes in here, so that I may blackmail them later.</em> We don't have a brig.</p>
        <h4>Hey! I'm a porno-dealing monster, what do I care what you think?</h4>
        <p>I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself. Okay, it's 500 dollars, you have no choice of carrier, the battery can't hold the charge and the reception isn't very… Oh right. I forgot about the battle.</p>
    <tab :header="'Disabled'" :disabled="true">
        Should not see me.

<h4>Tabs in Cards</h4>
<div class="card">
        <tab :header="'Tab 1'">
            <p><b>Bacon ipsum dolor amet</b> pariatur andouille bacon, dolore filet mignon id in corned beef et. Venison kielbasa sausage spare ribs ball tip, eu landjaeger drumstick meatball. Leberkas dolore biltong, incididunt tenderloin nulla ground round aute salami exercitation ad consequat. Kevin landjaeger laborum sunt quis ball tip. Ipsum ut aliquip, esse sirloin incididunt boudin turducken picanha turkey.</p>
            <h4>Qui corned beef</h4>
            <p>Qui tri-tip tail, ullamco tongue picanha corned beef laboris salami minim chicken. Exercitation ullamco in pig. Turkey incididunt andouille corned beef ham ham hock. Shankle esse ball tip dolore. Cupim jerky officia do id sint.</p>
        <tab :header="'Tab 2'">
            This is Tab 2.
        <tab :header="'Tab 3'">
            This is Tab 3.
        var app = new Vue({
    debug: true,
    el: '#example',
    components: {
        tabs: vueboot.tabs,
    methods: {
        showAlert: function()
            alert('Got Clicked!');

Multiple Orientations

The tabs component supports multiple orientations for it's tabs. These are set with the orientation property.


Tabs Left

This is Tab 1. This is Tab 2. This is Tab 3.

Tabs right

This is Tab 1. This is Tab 2. This is Tab 3.

Tabs bottom

This is Tab 1. This is Tab 2. This is Tab 3.
        <h4>Tabs Left</h4>
<tabset :orientation="'left'">
    <tab :header="'Tab 1'">
        This is Tab 1.
    <tab :header="'Tab 2'">
        This is Tab 2.
    <tab :header="'Tab 3'">
        This is Tab 3.


<h4>Tabs right</h4>
<tabset :orientation="'right'">
    <tab :header="'Tab 1'">
        This is Tab 1.
    <tab :header="'Tab 2'">
        This is Tab 2.
    <tab :header="'Tab 3'">
        This is Tab 3.


<h4>Tabs bottom</h4>
<tabset :orientation="'bottom'">
    <tab :header="'Tab 1'">
        This is Tab 1.
    <tab :header="'Tab 2'">
        This is Tab 2.
    <tab :header="'Tab 3'">
        This is Tab 3.
        var app = new Vue({
    debug: true,
    el: '#example',
    components: {
        tabs: vueboot.tabs,
    methods: {
        showAlert: function()
            alert('Got Clicked!');

Tabset Props

These properties are supported on the tabset component.

Prop Type Default Description
orientation String top Specifies the tab orientation. Values are: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', and 'right'.

Tab Props

Alternative Syntax
Instead of specifying the header property, you can use a <header>...</header> block. This block must be the first element in the tab.

These properties are supported on the tab component.

Prop Type Default Description
header String Sets the title of the tab. (Supports HTML)
on-selected Function A function that is called when a given tab is selected.

Component Methods

Reference Required
These functions are exposed to the parent, which means that you will want to use v-ref to expose the tabs instance to the parent controller.

The following functions may be called on the tabs instance: